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[Huawei Intelligent Mining and Oil and Gas] Digital intelligence empowers oil and gas safety, and the Huawei Ascend Intelligent Patrol Solution helps the industry develop with "improved quality and efficiency".
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Recently, China National Petroleum Corporation issued the "Implementation Plan for the Three-Year Action of Fundamental Improvement in Work Safety of China National Petroleum Corporation Limited (2024-2026)" (referred to as the "Plan"), putting forward new measures in the field of work safety, including strengthening the requirements of "four comprehensives, four inspections, and four adherences", as well as the five major actions of "one prevention and four enhancements", aiming to promote the implementation of the three-year action of fundamental improvement in work safety through safety risk prevention, improvement of intrinsic safety level, improvement of personnel safety quality and ability, improvement of digital and intelligent control level, and improvement of safety supervision efficiency.

Oil and gas safety production is of crucial importance.

The empowerment of artificial intelligence is imperative.

Petroleum, known as the "blood of industry", plays a vital role in China's economic construction. However, with the wide distribution and complex characteristics of oil fields, the issue of safe production has become increasingly prominent. The oil fields in China are distributed with a large number of points, long lines, and wide areas, and there are a large number of production wells, stations, large pipelines and equipment. Coupled with the unique properties of flammability, explosiveness, high temperature and high pressure in petroleum enterprises, the situation of safe production is severe and the inspection tasks are onerous.

At present, there are mainly two major difficulties in the aspect of oil and gas safety production. On the one hand, there are challenges of old facilities and high-risk areas. For the oil regions that were put into production earlier, especially in the old oil regions in eastern China, the aging of well network facilities and outdated equipment have become major hidden dangers to safe production. These old facilities lack intelligent applications, resulting in low efficiency of safety control. Relying solely on manual inspection is not only inefficient but also costly. On the other hand, there are limitations of the remote management system. Although some new oil regions and new well sites have been equipped with remote management systems, these systems often have limited functions and a narrow coverage. The process of dangerous operations lacks real-time on-site video records, making it difficult to provide comprehensive and timely guarantee for safe production.

Facing these challenges, petroleum enterprises urgently need to introduce artificial intelligence technology to liberate the heavy manual inspection work and improve the efficiency and quality of safe production. Through artificial intelligence technology, real-time monitoring, intelligent early warning and automated control of oil field facilities can be achieved, effectively reducing safety risks and improving management efficiency.


Huawei Ascend Intelligent Patrol Solution.

Digital intelligence empowers the safe production of oil and gas.

In the energy industry, safe production is an eternal theme. For the video intelligent monitoring scenarios in various major stations and high-risk areas of petroleum enterprises, in order to improve the safety and efficiency of oil and gas exploitation, Huawei, in collaboration with its partners, has launched the Ascend Intelligent Patrol Solution for the oil and gas industry, taking artificial intelligence technology as the core to provide all-round digital and intelligent support for the safe production of oil and gas. The Ascend Intelligent Patrol Solution covers multiple key links in oil and gas production, including park security, production patrol, predictive maintenance, etc. By integrating advanced AI algorithms and hardware devices, this solution can realize intelligent analysis of operation specifications, remote intelligent inspection of equipment, intelligent identification and early warning of the environment, and intelligent security identification and monitoring. In terms of hardware, based on the intelligent edge server of Ascend, it ensures the realization of local intelligent analysis in edge scenarios such as well sites and stations, reducing the cost of data transmission.

In view of the complex environment and safety risks faced by the oil and gas industry, the Ascend Intelligent Patrol Solution can effectively deal with various challenges. For example, in terms of operation specifications, this solution can identify whether the operators are wearing safety helmets and work clothes, and monitor whether there are dangerous behaviors; in terms of equipment inspection, it can intelligently read the data of instruments and meters, identify the switch status, and detect the appearance of equipment and the situation of oil leakage/water leakage; in terms of environmental early warning, it can monitor potential risks such as smoke and fire, water accumulation, and small animals in real time; in terms of security monitoring, it can accurately identify the intruding target and issue an alarm.

The Ascend Intelligent Patrol Solution, relying on the Ascend AI basic software and hardware platform, has elaborately constructed efficient AI algorithm models, fully covering the diverse working scenarios of oil and gas production. This solution not only has the ability of intelligent analysis of operation specifications, but also can realize multiple functions such as remote intelligent inspection of equipment, intelligent identification of the environment, and intelligent security identification and monitoring. The average accuracy rate of its algorithms is as high as 95%, showing excellent precise performance. The Ascend Intelligent Patrol Solution has injected intelligent elements into the traditional video system, significantly improving the efficiency and effect of the monitoring work and greatly reducing the investment cost of human resources. In addition, this solution can also realize 24-hour video analysis all day long, give timely warning to potential risks, and effectively reduce the situation of event underreporting, providing a strong guarantee for the safety and stability of oil and gas production.

It is known that the Ascend Intelligent Patrol Solution has been successfully operated in a certain oilfield in southwestern China on a trial basis, realizing the intelligent empowerment of the existing network video system and significantly improving the monitoring efficiency and effect. Compared with the traditional mode, this solution has achieved a savings of more than 50% in human resources and effectively reduced the cost input. At the same time, this solution has the ability to analyze all videos in real time, can timely discover and give early warning of potential risks, and greatly reduces the possibility of event underreporting. In addition, the video data has been uniformly supervised, providing a more convenient way for all levels of departments to view the on-site situation flexibly at any time. It is worth mentioning that this solution also realizes the background remote operation and guardianship function by combining AI technology with video or voice systems, effectively replacing on-site manual operations, and further reducing on-site working hours and personal risks.


Looking to the future, with the continuous development and application of artificial intelligence technology, the Huawei Ascend Intelligent Patrol Solution will play an even more important role in the field of oil and gas safety production. By continuously optimizing the algorithm model and improving the hardware performance, it will provide more comprehensive and accurate safety production guarantee for oil and gas enterprises. At the current critical node of the development of China's artificial intelligence industry, Ascend will continue to deeply cultivate the AI basic software and hardware platform, promote and support the construction of artificial intelligence computing centers, help accelerate the digital transformation of the energy industry, and cultivate the core competitiveness of Chinese energy enterprises.